From 2000 to 2005, a non-native plant (0) RAPIDLY (RAPID) changed the makeup of California's San Francisco Bay. The (1) ............ (INVADE) species, called Spartina alterniflora, threatened to turn tidal mud flats into meadow. This would eliminate shorebird foraging habitat, and push the native S. foliosa toward (2) ............ (EXTINCT). This species of plant, also known as smooth cordgrass, was introduced to San Francisco Bay's eastern shoreline by contractors and workers for the U.S. Army Corps of engineers during the 1970s, as part of a dredging (3) ............ (RESTORE) program. It quickly took over large swaths of the bay, and the plants weren't only a problem for animal species. One (4) ............ (EXPECTED) consequence of the hybrid was its ability to thrive in pond water. In 2005, the (5) ............ (ORGANISE) began a programme to eradicate the alien Spartina. Their weapon of choice was the (6) ............ (HERB) Imazapyr, This is a very low-toxic substance, which just happens to show extreme (7) ............ (EFFECT) in the fight against this plant. (8) ............ (CONSEQUENCE), the footprint of the demon Spartina covers fewer than 90 acres today.